If you are doing this on a browser, just go to your app store and download it – make sure you sign in with the same number that you registered the referral with!
5. Download the Webull app
6. Sign in
You will see a notification about a 1-month subscription to Level 2 Quotes. This is an automatic bonus. It cancels after your first month – just ignore tit.
7. Clickopen an account
8. ClickApply for an account
9. Enter and verify your personal details.
You need to enter your NI number and upload proof of identification and address.
Top up your Webull account to earn 10x free shares:
Once approved, top up your Webull account with £5 for the first 10 free shares:
Click the Webull symbol to open your Assets page.
Clickdetail (top right) to open your account overview
ClickDeposit under Buying Power
Deposit £5 via Open Banking
Once I was back from my bank, it said it was processing but then I clicked out and the £5 was in my account
Invest to earn 10 more free shares:
To actually invest::
First, convert your £5 to USD.
Click transfers, currency exchange and swap. You will get an insufficient buying power” message if you do not do this. 2. Click the markets tab
3. Search for a stock you want to buy (e.g. Coca Cola)
4. Click trade
5. Change order type to market (this enables fractional shares to be purchased)
0.11 of Coca Cola will be around $6.
6. Click buy to invest your cash (hold for 30 days)
Then refer your friends, and get more free shares for each that completes the above.